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​What is a DNA group?

Churches changing and closing all around us makes us think: what is church, really? What are the essential ingredients without which we cannot be church? It’s a bit like human DNA, the basic template in every human cell. Pared down to essentials, church is Discipleship – Nurture – Action.

Discipleship: following Jesus, prayer and Bible reading to form a Christian lifestyle.

Nurture: doing that in caring relationships with other people on the journey

Action: focusing outwards, seeking opportunities to serve God in mission and social action.  

We’ve run DNA groups 3 times before in APC. People meet in small cells of 3, once a week for a short time (about 45 minutes). Feedback has been really positive so we’re doing it again, staring late January.

What will the groups do?
A simple leaflet outlines the shape of each group’s meeting.
Nurture (coffee and chat) - about 15 mins
Discipleship - Bible reading and discussion – 15 mins
Action – Supporting a mission or social action project, and praying together (10-15 mins)
The Bible readings will be the same as the sermons those weeks, but people who don’t come to church can easily take part.

How do they meet?
DNA groups are totally flexible. You can meet any time and any place – over breakfast, at a kitchen table, around another activity that you’re doing together anyway. It helps if it’s a place where you can pray together. You don’t even have to meet at the same time every week – but you should be committed to meet together weekly for 5 weeks. Short and easy for busy people!

How do groups form?
Stretch out your two arms to whoever is nearest you: friends or neighbours, Guild or choir members, elder’s districts, Messy Church, whoever – and ask if they’d like to be your DNA group?  Single-sex groups work best, and more than 3-4 people becomes a “meeting”. Alternatively, if you want to be in a group you can let us know and we will make or find one for you. Exact dates are still TBC but plan to take the plunge – and invite a friend! For more info contact Lynn, or Margaret Ross:



Get in touch:

Thanks for submitting!


Auchterarder Parish Church,  

24 High Street, 


PH3 1DF  


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