Holiday Club 2024
What is a Church Holiday Club?
A Holiday Club is an exciting week full of games, crafts, challenges, songs, drama and more, based on the Bible, for children already in school from P1-S1 & 2.
Our Holiday Club uses Christian Bible themes, suitable both for children who attend church or have no church connections at all.
Our ethos:
We aim to build quality relationships with the young folks, especially in the small teaching groups
We share God's good news through age-appropriate teaching material, resources and activities.
We offer choices and opportunities and accommodate different learning styles.
Our vision: A new generation of children and young people who have a vibrant, personal faith in Jesus
Our mission:
To create opportunities for children and young people to explore Christian faith in a fun way appropriate to their age.
Go Bananas!
Monday 05 August - Friday 09 August
AM Sessions: 10:00—12:30 Monday - Friday
PM Sessions: 2:00—3:00 Tuesday & Thursday
For children in P1 - S2 in this current school year - 2023-2024
So we're all back from Banana Island now but what a great time we had there! We met Ripe and Rotten, two banana growers and they met 5 different people who 'went bananas' for God. On Day 1 we met Mr and Mrs Noah who built a boat in the desert!; Day 2 was David, who fought a giant!; Day 3 we met Elijah who took in the prophets of Baal single-handed; Day 4 was wee Zac, who changed his life around after meeting Jesus; Day 5 was the lady who gave Jesus a precious gift. We are sad it's over, but remember, there is Messy Church every month on the first Sunday and it's like a mini Holiday Club - but with dinner added on! Mums and dads come along too to share the fun. 3:30-5:00 and the first one after the summer on Sunday 01 September when we will meet a Christian Clown!