Kirk Session Teams
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Centre Management Team
The Centre Management Team's (CMT) role is to promote and implement the vision of the Church Centre as a hub for mission and service to the community.
Team members:
Murdo Macmillan (Elder and Chairperson)
Lynn McChlery (Minister)
Kenny McKay (Elder, Finance)
Renee Riddell (Elder, Archway)
Jackie Mahoney (Blue Door Foodbank)
Mandy Blackadder (Centre Admin)
Ian Gourlay (Elder)
Derek Johnston (Community Garden)
The CMT has oversight and responsibility for the following:
HR management of paid staff and management of staff
Recruiting, training and supporting volunteers
Food hygiene
Oversight of priorities where the needs of different user groups conflict
Food bank
Community Church Garden
Men’s Shed
Maintaining the diary for the minibus booking
Responsibility for Archway
Children, Youth and Families Team

The members of the Children, Youth and Families Team (CYF) are drawn from both the Eldership and the congregation and our wide remit is to oversee the work with our young people and their families. Those in the group either are active participants in leading some of the children or young people’s work or are interested in the Christian education of those youngsters and their families.
Team Members:
Sandra Miller (Elder and Chairperson)
Ruth Buchan (Elder)
Stuart McChlery (Elder)
Michelle Lvingstone (Youth Worker)
Yvonne Elder (Kidsteam Leader)
Euan Ferguson(LOGOS and APC)
The Team has oversight of and responsibility for the following:
All Youth and Children’s groups
Holiday Club
Messy Church
Development of all church work in TCSoA
Supporting the Youth worker in developing activities for teens
Supporting the Church’s partnership with LOGOS
Recruiting, training and supporting volunteers
We also ensure that Safeguarding guidelines are followed and that volunteers meet the CoS Guidelines regarding PVG certification.
Mission Team
This is a team of six proactive individuals, supported by many more, all keen to promote the Christian message and presenting faith to the local community and beyond. Previous initiatives, every one of which is an outreach beyond the church’s walls, include 'Acts of Random Kindness' including angels and stars, made and given with love by our church members, were available throughout the town; an 'Easter Trail' with giveaway Easter eggs for youngsters on Easter Sunday; a personal Christmas card delivered to all homes in the community; the Auchterarder Community Garden and, 'TryPraying' when we gave away a booklet encouraging people to pray.
Team Members:
Susie Roberson (Elder and Chairperson)
Marjorie Paton (Elder)
Matthew Leech
Lynn McChlery
Andrew Barton (Minister)
Michelle Livingstone (Youth Worker)
The Team has oversight of and responsibility for the following:
Media and communications (external, e.g. Facebook, website, magazine)
Walking Group
Cycling Group
Acts of Random Kindness (eg Prayer Ministry)
Biker Ministry
Drama Group
Environmental issues/ Fair Trade
Church Lunches
Actively seeking to undertake new mission activities
Recruiting, training and supporting volunteers
Worship and Discipleship Team
Team Members
Lynn McChlery (Minister & Chairperson)
Stephen Miller (Ekder)
Patricia Russell (Elder)
Margaret Ross (Elder)
Iain Paton (Assistant Minister)
Billy Small (Elder)
Peter Stokoe (Member)
The Worship and Discipleship Team aims to help Christian adults learn and mature on their faith journey. It has responsibility for:
Worship and church services
Church music and the choir
Supporting prayer groups and promoting prayer activities
Promoting Bible reading
Undertaking new initiatives to further people’s faith development (e.g. study courses like 'The God Question')
Finance & Stewardship
TeamTeam Members:
Kenny McKay (Elder & Chairperson)
Vicky Anderson (Member)
Kathleen Innes (Elder)
John McDonald (Member)
Margaret McLaren (Member)
Heather Edment (Elder)
​This team has responsibility for the financial oversight of the Church, Centre and Manse and the financial oversight for the practical administration of all the Church’s material and human resources :
Prepare annual financial budget and present to Session.
Report regularly (min 2 monthly) to Session on actual financial position above
Ensure timely payment of Giving for Growth and Presbytery dues
Prepare and have attested annual accounts.
Appoint Independent Financial Examiner
File accounts with OSCR
Prepare ad hoc reports as necessary re financial position to other groups
Manage FWO giving system
Gift aid management and claim
Advise Session on affordability of ad hoc expense requests out-with budget
Continuous development /monitoring of innovative methods of giving e.g. Web site, electronic giving etc
Communicate financial position to congregation as required
Recruit, train and support volunteers
Promote regular giving from members
Encourage people to attend events and experience church in different ways
Outreach events to encourage the giving of time, talents and money
The finance group would like to record our grateful thanks to all members who already give their offerings and donations through the banking system. We are fortunate that some members also contribute to the youth projects, youth worker, food bank, music fund and donate their loose change to Tearfund. If you wish to have additional information on these items, or the weekly free will envelopes please speak to Vicky Anderson, Murdo Macmillan, John MacDonald or Kenny McKay.